
More businesses are focusing on sustainability initiatives and looking to decarbonize their energy supply toward net-zero emission goals. Encore Energy is assisting our customers to develop a strategic approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Natural gas has a key role to play in helping companies toward net-zero emissions. Our customers continue to use natural gas as a critical thermal energy source for their facilities and processes. While improved energy efficiency and reduction in energy intensity is the goal for all companies, the use of conventional natural gas can be combined with several products to support reduction in Scope 1 GHG emissions.

Our team of experts offers a comprehensive approach to help our customers implement and measure their transition to a low carbon economy. For organizations, business leaders, and investors that support environmentally green strategies, Encore has options to reduce GHG emissions from natural gas used in their operations. Let Encore assist you with reaching your company reduction goals with the following approach:

  • Education on sustainability options to address emissions from natural gas
    • Carbon offsets
    • Renewable natural gas (RNG)
    • Responsively sourced gas (RSG)
  • Develop strategies and budgets to phase in reduced emissions to meet corporate goals over time
  • Implement GHG emission reductions with products strategically provided by Encore that correlate to your natural gas consumption
  • Reporting of accomplished GHG emission reductions

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